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Auburn High School

Lydig began construction of the Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction project on February 25, 2013.

Auburn High School

Auburn School District


NAC Architecture



Photo Credit

Tim Rice Architectural Photography, Kathlyn Toney

The first phase includes the main classroom building, commons, kitchen and career/technical education classrooms. This phase was completed August 2014 allowing the students and staff to move into a new building facing East Main Street. The second phase includes physical education, music, performing arts, and PAC facilities and will be completed by August 2015. Final site improvements will be completed by July 2016. The completed project will provide the Auburn community with an attractive, energy efficient, cost effective and technologically advanced building that will help prepare its students for the 21st century.

Auburn High School 1
Auburn High School 2
Auburn High School 3
Auburn High School 4
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